Training Course 28 January – 2 February 2014 Italy
The main purpose of the EYE Opener TC is to enable young people who do not have access to youth exchange training courses, to undertake training and be part of the decision-making process from the very beginning of the project.
EYEOPENER offers an international learning experience to young people and practitioners active in the youth work, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects under the Erasmus+ Programme. The objectives of EYEOPENER are:
The partnership balance between adults and young people is crucial for the success of EYE Opener. Each ‘home team’ must consist of at least one young person and one adult youth worker / youth leader. Two young people can attend from a group, with one or two youth worker / youth leader adults, if appropriate. Two young people is the maximum per ‘home team’.It is important that the youth worker/youth leader adult(s) undertakes responsibility for the behavior of the young person(s). For this reason, it is important the young person(s) knows the adult(s). It is also advisable for the adult(s) to agree a behavioural code with the young person(s) before attending EYE Opener.
Deadline: 6th of December
Where to apply:
Contacts: Luca Pignocco: l.pignocco[at]; Fabiana Di Carlo: f.dicarlo[at]
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